Graham Seaton BSc Est. Man. FRICS

Retired Retail Property Specialist

  07900 681 816

Graham Seaton BSc Est. Man. FRICS

Caricature GS

A retired Retail Property Consultant and former Retail Property Director now living in Hastings.

In his forty-year career, Graham worked directly for several of the country's leading retailers.

  • As Matalan's Director of Estates he worked with the Hargreaves family as the company rapidly expanded the business, opening over 120 new stores (320 sq m), and was part of the team that achieved the original public flotation.
  • At Sports Direct he worked closely with Mike Ashley and his team as the business grew from an 'also ran' to the country's leading sportswear retailer. In this time, as Head of Estates, he helped with the move to their site in Shirebrook, and the IPO.

More recently, both as a direct employee and as a consultant, Graham has worked on major restructuring of retail and leisure portfolios - helping businesses adapt to more challenging times.

  • As fashion brand Alexon's Property Director he was instrumental in an attempt to save the business by working with the landlords while the business raised money from the City. Ultimately, he helped steer the business through a prepack administration.
  • As a consultant Graham worked with the Homebase property team as they urgently sought new offices and emergency warehousing, with the Ann Summers team as they re-organised their property function and store portfolio, and with the Coral management as they sought to restructure their property portfolio.

But in mid-2020, Graham decided that it was time to move on. Now living in Hastings with his wife Jane, interested in the local history and loving the unique atmosphere. Covid 19 has made it difficult to become part of the community, but there is time.

Why Hastings? Well, Hastings is 'quirky', and Graham likes quirky, but more important, Hastings is home to one of his sons and one of his grand-daughters.